Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thanks Mags...

For those of you who don't know I have three kids Maggie who is 14 - she is our techno geek. I had a big black spot on my blog and she fixed it. She also has set up every tv and dvd palyer in the house... what does that say about Phil and I. Maggie's biggest curse is she looks very much like me ... poor child--- she hears it all the time---Ben is 8 he is the video gamer,he has more game systems and games then any child should have --- again what does that say about me ( I love video games...) Emma is 12  she  is our actress and well... more about her later... All three are fabulous people - we are lucky to be their parents...  YES I HAVE PUT THAT IN WRITING....

On the stitching front here are a few pictures... This is a project Emma did of our borders Oscar and Felix--- my friend Lesia framed it. So cute... and my biscornu for the exchange which I will mail Tuesday. That's all for now.. :)


  1. Hey Jill - great photos of the kids!!

  2. There's my new biscornu! :) Love it, thanks!


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