Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I found it! I found it!

Ok found the card for the camera and I can post some pictures. This is a wrap scarf I have been working on for Emma when we go to the movies. It sits in a Lululemon bag on the theatre floor and I knit away in the dark. It's almost done as we have seen a few movies this winter ( The King's Speech and Barney's Version were the latest EXCELLENT ONES) I am working on one for Mags as well but it will wait for a picture. The bright one is also for Emma as she laid claim yesterday and not Maggie's colours at all - I just loved the yarn.

On to stitching :) Here are the progress pics... above is Cherry Wood's Stitch, Scatter Sunshine by SB and Sweeping Cobwebs by PS . I am getting there. I love Scatter Sunshine but am at the two stitches change colour stage and it is frustrating.

On home front... Ben is staying strong and on day three. Emma and Mags are on the last day of the semester and looking forward to snowboarding on Thursday with her dad and Darren. I am working of course lol and Ben will be at school so sshhh...

I close tonight and then am up early tomorrow so I will post Thursday.

Until next time...


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